Building Manufacturer's Representative


News, updates, product features, events, etc.


We are excited to share today’s blog post with you celebrating our Hanover product line. 50 years of innovation is a huge reason to celebrate and we are so proud to represent this company.


"Over the years, certain products and certain companies stand out from the rest. We, at Hanover®, believe the true measure of a company is how well it can respond to its customers' needs, attention to quality, and dedication to performance. We have been building our reputation slowly, the best way, with quality products, competitive prices, and outstanding service for over 50 years."

Hanover® Architectural Products has been providing quality concrete unit paving products to architects and designers since 1971. Hanover® continually strives to provide high quality innovative products through the use of unique shapes, custom colors and various textures. Custom color and aggregate blending has become Hanover's trademark, as well as the ability to adapt to the special paver needs of each individual project.

As a company, Hanover® has been built on the philosophy that quality and service always come first. Our project references demonstrate the high level of trust that has been placed with us. We would be honored to be part of your next project.

Get involved with Hanover virtually!


Hanover has done an excellent job in the last year going virtual with product knowledge, trainings, and education. These “Let’s Get Technical” webinars have been a valuable tool to learning more about Hanover products, maintenance, application, and more.

These webinars are short and sweet and perfect to watch over a cup of coffee in the morning.


There are a variety of topics presented including paver project spotlights, maintenance, samples, product discussions, and more.

You can find links to all of the previous Let’s Get Technical webinars HERE

Join us tomorrow, Tuesday February 23rd, at 9:30 MST for our 3rd Setting Bed Series: Mortar.

You can register and get the zoom link HERE

Please reach out if you have any questions or would like more information about the upcoming webinars with Hanover.

Thank you for reading and have a great week!

-Steve & Hannah