Building Manufacturer's Representative


News, updates, product features, events, etc.


In today’s post we want to share with you an exciting event happening in 2 weeks, the 2022 CSI Bi-Region Conference! We are planning to attend among some of the top industry professionals for a week of education, trainings, key note speakers, technical tours, networking & a product trade show.

Registration is open for you to join us there!

This is an excellent opportunity to learn more about CSI, attend educational seminars, attend technical tours, network with industry professionals, learn about products, and more.

We are both members of the CSI Denver Chapter and if you are unfamiliar with this organization you can learn more about it in our previous blog post HERE.

We are fortunate to have this Conference right in our backyard held at The Curtis Hotel in Downtown Denver. Here are the details, what to expect, & why you should attend —

When: Wednesday April 27 - Saturday April 30

Where: The Curtis Hotel
1405 Curtis Street
Denver, CO 80202

Cost: Varies depending on which

days/events you would like to attend


For a complete breakdown of the schedule with tour details, trainings offered, & key note speakers visit the Bi-Region Conference website HERE

There will be a welcome reception Wednesday the 27th followed by dinners at different local restaurants hosted by CSI Denver members. We will be hosting one and would love to have you.

Friday afternoon is the trade show portion of the conference where there will be tons of sponsors with table tops that you do not want to miss!

Below you will find AIA information and local discounts —

Again, you will find more detailed information on the Bi-Region website HERE and can register through our Denver Chapter website HERE.

Please reach out to us if you have any questions about the conference & we hope to see many of you there!

-Steve & Hannah